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VMovie.gif (4934 bytes) VViewer.gif (5219 bytes) Quick Measure™

Quick Measure option for the Motion Analysis Video Maker and Video Viewer software is ideal for taking a quick look at object locations and motion in MAV or AVI files.  Collected data points are displayed in an on-screen data table, where they can be edited or copied to other documents, such as word-processing or spread sheet files.

Visit our Download Area for a demo copy of Video Viewer with Quick Measure.

Key Features

  • Measure the linear distance between two end points collected in the same or different frames using mouse clicks or cursor keys.

  • A single mouse click can designate any point in the image as a reference point, which can then have its X and Y ordinates defined.  Points are referred to the defined coordinate system as they’re collected.  Points already collected are translated to the new system.

  • Measurement units available are millimeters, centimeters, meters, inches, feet, degrees and radians.

  • Measure instantaneous velocity (speed) of linear type motion in meters or feet per second, kilometers or miles per hour.  Angular and Rotational units available are degrees or radians per second and revolutions per second or per minute.


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